Like Mother-Daughter

1939ish and 1961—"approximately" 4 years old
During my teen years and beyond, I took great pride in looking like my Dad—it was at times my only connection to him. However, in unearthing some prized OLD family photos... it didn't take long for me to remember that my baby pictures had looked like my mom's baby pics (just like our 2nd son's baby & toddler pics looked like me). Recently, my mom told me that although I now looked like my dad... as a young girl I had looked very much like her. Well, having these treasures (currently in my possession), I began searching for a picture of me on my bike (right)... the same approx age as my mom (left). "Where's the bike?" you may ask. It's in a different picture! Both pics I had of me on my tricycle had either my face looking down or looking away—neither of which would accomplish the purpose of this layout. The greatest kick I get out of these photos, is that we even have the same expression!
I don't know about you, but in my teen years my mom & I did not get along well at all! Now, I can say she's one of my best friends and I consider her friendship a prized treasure—one of the "jems" in my life! This layout is dedicated to her :-)
credits: (left) "Forever Mine" mini-kit by Bianca at Project B Designs
(right) "Pink Love" kit-sampler by Graziela Mendes
Scripture wordart by Glenda Ketcham (Sept09 Scripture challenge at Digitals)
I used all the papers & elements from both these kits. They came together for a perfect showcase of my mom & I.<'///><
Isaiah 40:31
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